Touchpoints ASBL
26 nov. 2019
Touchpoints ASBL wins 3rd price at ING Solidarity Awards
On Thursday, November 21st, our organization was granted the 3rd price at the 2019 ING Solidarity Awards in the category "Integration"....

InFiNe - Inclusive Finance Network, Luxembourg
5 nov. 2019
Migrant Entrepreneurship in Luxembourg
InFiNe.lu members gathered last Friday to learn more about migrant entrepreneurship in Luxembourg and more specifically about the support...

Lëtzebuerger Gemengen - Société
30 oct. 2019
L'intégration par la pérennisation de l'emploi
En 2017, le spécialiste de l’éclairage MINUSINES S.A., s’engage dans l’intégration des personnes ayant obtenu la protection...