Touchpoints asbl
5 mars 2019
MeetUps with Rawad El-Khoury at FNEL
The idea of becoming one's "boss", appeals to many. However, the reality of starting a business is a challenging task in many aspects. As...

Entreprise & Carrières
29 janv. 2019
Au Luxembourg, Inter-C rapproche les réfugiés d’un emploi pérenne
Les réfugiés arrivés après la crise migratoire de 2016 commencent à s’insérer sur le marché du travail grand-ducal. Face à des...

Touchpoints asbl
14 déc. 2018
MeetUps Chiche
Partnering with well-established Luxembourgers or local residents is an important way for new arrivals to start commercial projects in...